Critique one article using the appraisal form: Systematic or Integrative ReviewD

Critique one article using the appraisal form:
Systematic or Integrative ReviewDownload Systematic or Integrative Review
Use the information below to help you know which section of the article to use to answer questions in the template:
Introduction and its subsections have the purpose or WHY the study was done.
Methods section and its subsections contain HOW the study was done.
Results, Discussion, and Conclusions section will have WHAT was found.
In week 3 you selected a topic of interest and formulated a question about that topic for your Evidence-Based Practice Assignment.
In week 4 you searched the literature on your week three topic and submitted three articles for approval towards building your Evidence-Based Practice Assignment.
Module 6 readings are a continuation from week 5 that includes chapters 13 and 14 on Appraising Research Evidence and Clinical Practice Guidelines. Please refer to these chapters on how to complete an appraisal using templates provided here in instructions. Appendix A to G in your book gives you examples of completing a template appraisal form.
For the first template in week 6, you will choose either a Qualitative or a Quantitative Review (Please do not complete both Quantitative and Qualitative Appraisal). Your second article is a Systematic Review Appraisal.
Make sure you receive approval from your instructor in week 4 for the article you use to complete either the Qualitative or Quantitative Review and for the Systematic Review. There are hyperlinks to these templates in the week 6 instructions. Do not create your own document with answers.
Each section of the template is required to be completed as this assignment builds on your Evidence-Based Practice Project. Each template has a citation that must be submitted in APA format. Answers to questions in Synopsis sections are required (see template examples in your book). Each question must have an answer of 1-2 full sentences in length per question. Credibility section Yes/No answers are also required. The Comments area is also required and should be at least 1-3 sentences noting how this article relates to your nursing issue topic from week 3 and what you thought was significant.
You will be using these articles again in your week 9 Evidence Based Practice Project Poster.
Please review the rubric closely and proof your work reviewing instructions before you submit.
The chosen topic and PICOT will be used for your Week 9 Poster Assignment. It guided your article searches in Week 4 which will be used in completing your appraisals in Week 6.
NURS 350_Article Appraisal Rubric
NURS 350_Article Appraisal Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting and APA StyleFollows all the requirements related to 7th ed APA format for citation, length, source citations, and layout.
Writing is clear, concise, and organized.
Free of spelling errors. Grammatically correct.
15 to >12.0 ptsMeets or Exceeds Expectations
Follows APA Guidelines. Complete Formatting and writing. APA with 1 or fewer errors.
12 to >9.0 ptsMostly Meets Expectations
Follows APA guidelines. 2-3 formatting, writing, or APA errors
9 to >6.0 ptsBelow Expectations
Partially follow guidelines. 4-5 formatting, writing or APA errors.
6 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Does not follow guidelines. More than 5 formatting, writing or APA errors.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSynopsisEach question answered in full sentences 1 to 2 sentences per question.
15 to >12.0 ptsMeets or Exceeds Expectations
Uses approved article to complete. Evidence of critical thinking. Ideas well developed.
12 to >9.0 ptsMostly Meets Expectations
Well presented, ideas are detailed and mostly well developed
9 to >6.0 ptsBelow Expectations
Content is sound, ideas present but not particularly developed
6 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Content is slightly reasonable
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCredibilityAnswer yes or no questions and add a statement 1 to 2 sentences in length under each question
15 to >12.0 ptsMeets or Exceeds Expectations
Uses approved article to complete. Evidence of critical thinking & Ideas well developed
12 to >9.0 ptsMostly Meets Expectations
Well presented, ideas are detailed and mostly well developed
9 to >6.0 ptsBelow Expectations
Content is sound, ideas present but not particularly developed
6 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Content is slightly reasonable
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClinical Significance and Applicability for Clinical Practice GuidelinesAnswer yes or no questions and add a statement 1 to 2 sentences in length under each question
15 to >12.0 ptsMeets or Exceeds Expectations
Uses approved article to complete. Evidence of critical thinking & Ideas well developed
12 to >9.0 ptsMostly Meets Expectations
Well presented, ideas are detailed and mostly well developed
9 to >6.0 ptsBelow Expectations
Content is sound, ideas present but not particularly developed
6 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Content is slightly reasonable
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommentsUsing your own words (no direct quotes), describe in 1 paragraph how this article relates to your nursing issue topic from week three and what you thought was significant.
15 to >12.0 ptsMeets or Exceeds Expectations
Exceptionally well presented; ideas detailed and well developed
12 to >9.0 ptsMostly Meets Expectations
Well presented, Ideas detailed and mostly well developed
9 to >6.0 ptsBelow Expectations
Content is sound and solid; ideas are presented but not particularly developed.
6 to >0 ptsDoes Not Meet Expectations
Content is slightly reasonable
15 pts
Total Points: 75

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