Critical infrastructure protection requires coordinating multiple public and pri

Critical infrastructure protection requires coordinating multiple public and private organizations to work together during an emergency. Jurisdictional laws will vary based on the state that they are in, but all agencies must be prepared to work together during a crisis to protect local and national infrastructures. The destruction of infrastructure can negatively impact multiple jurisdictions, especially if a crisis is not mitigated.
Public agencies and private organizations should have written policies and plans that describe how they will protect local and surrounding critical infrastructures.
Those infrastructures should be identified. Their potential weak points should also be identified, if they can be exploited either by terroristic acts or natural disasters.
Focus your discussion on the following:
• Select any 1 element or aspect of a critical infrastructure that you would like to examine.
• Explain how local responsibility is a necessity for the security and prevention of terroristic sabotage of your selected critical infrastructure element.
• Explain how involved the federal government should be in the maintenance and protection of any privately owned portions of your selected critical infrastructure element.

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