Create a group proposal based on the topic “Enhancing Social Skills in Middle Sc

Create a group proposal based on the topic “Enhancing Social Skills in Middle School Students”. Identify your target population and in 6-7 double-spaced pages, develop a proposal for your group that addresses the following:
Rationale (need and justification) for the group and population chosen
Purpose of the group
Description of population to be served and the selection criteria for group members (age, gender, culture, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, etc.)
Size and timeframe for group (frequency, duration, length of sessions).
Announcement and recruitment of group members.
Screening procedures and preparation of group members.
Group structure and format, provide a group goal and three to five objectives. Be specific and operationalize the objectives so that they can be measured and evaluated to build accountability into the group process.
Ethical/legal, multicultural, and professional concerns and implications related to this proposed group.
How you will evaluate group effectiveness
Plans for follow-up
Submission Format
12 pt. Times New Roman Font
1″ margins
Sources should be accurately cited in APA.

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