Complete your individual critique of a quantitative article. The purpose of a re

Complete your individual critique of a quantitative article. The purpose of a research critique is not to criticize a research study but rather to provide an appraisal of the worth of the study and the relative merits of the study. It involves a systematic, unbiased, careful examination of all aspects of the study and to judge the merits, limitations, meaning, and significance of the work.
< The primary purpose of this critique is to demonstrate your familiarity and understanding of quantitative research and your ability to review and critique published quantitative research. The critique is a written essay of an individual quantitative research study. < You will want to familiarize yourself thoroughly with the grading criteria which follow. In a narrative format, answer each of the questions in the rubric guidelines. < Use the following article for your critique: Association Between the Opening of Retail Clinics and Low Acuity Emergency Dept Visits.

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