Choose a topic from the course to conduct a 45 minute to an hour training for

Choose a topic from the course to conduct a 45 minute to an hour training for your institution. Think about where the institution is in their character journey and what topic would take the institution to the next level with training.  Include a detailed agenda, slides, handouts, any documents, evaluations, etc… that will be used in the training.  Create all materials needed to conduct the training.
Potential Topics: 
Why character education?
Core Values
Classroom Strategies
Adult Modeling
Intrinsic Motivation
Student Voice
Developmental Pedagogy
11 Principles Framework
Caring Community
Need of the institution
Include the following somewhere in the training: (they do not have to separate items)
All materials needed to conduct training (slides, handouts, games, etc…)
Evaluation of the training (can be short. Needs to assess if the training met the objective)
Topic selected on character meets need of institution.
Objective is stated.
Designed training potentially meets the objective.
Agenda included for a 45 minute to an hour training
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
All materials needed to conduct training (slides, handouts, games, etc…) included
Evaluation of the training included and assess if the training met the objective.
Training is organized and engaging for participants.

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