Choose a psychological disorder/condition of childhood oradolescence from your

Choose a psychological disorder/condition of childhood oradolescence from your textbook and find at least three recent articles (i.e., publishedin 2017 or newer)
discussing an important diagnostic or treatment issue regarding that
disorder. At least two of the three articles must be primary source research articles. You
must provide: (a) a description of the disorder or condition; (b) a brief historical context;
(c) a concise description of the controversy, argument, or issue; (d) a brief summary of
each of the articles; (e) a synthesis of the articles; (f) a summary, including some
directions for future research that could help elucidate the issue further. You will voice
over your presentations on power point up to maximum of 10 minutes between 7- 10
slides including your references in APA format. Your examples could include evidence
that a disorder should be recategorized based on recent neurological findings; arguments
that a disorder should be reconceptualized within a social model of disability and/or
neurodiversity perspective; evidence that more than one disorder should be
reconceptualized as a spectrum of disorders; recent evidence indicating superiority of a
recently developed treatment for a disorder over more traditional interventions; etc.
you just make the presentation and send me in another word doc of what I should speak in my voice that I can later attach to the presentation and also tell me where to attach. pls and thank you

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