Check the attached “Results” section attached and then watch the YouTube video t

Check the attached “Results” section attached and then watch the YouTube video to fix it using the notes in the bottom from the professor:
Notes from the professor:
We are missing a lot of the required information here. This section should address how you identified your studies (databases, search terms, filters, etc) and reference the PRISMA diagram. It should also clearly describe the various study designs, along with their findings, in a way which references each study specifically (in-text citations would help with the organization of this). Risk of bias should be addressed. Please review the guidelines we’ve provided in the charts and rubrics from your template.
This assignment is worth 25 points, graded as follows:
Nearly Meets
Does Not Meet
14-20 points
Explanation of results is thorough, detailed, and follows guidelines in the assignment instructions. Requested content edits from first submission were made.
Length is ~1.5-5 pages
7-13 points
Explanation of results is provided but some details are unclear/missing .
Length is ~1.5-5 pages.
0-6 points
Unclear explanation of results with significant details missing.
Length is less than 1.5 pages
Integrity of Writing
5 points
Writing is free of grammatical, punctuation, capitalization and spelling errors.
3-4 points
Writing contained 1-5 errors.
0-2 points
Writing was disorganized and contained more than 5 errors.

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