Business Integration/Strategic Management The business discipline has eleven fun

Business Integration/Strategic Management
The business discipline has eleven fundamental business content areas: marketing, organizational behavior, business integration/strategic management, ethics, law, global, economics, accounting, finance, statistics, and information technology in addition to one general business proficiency of writing. Developing proficiency in these content areas of business assures students and employers that essential business skills of graduates are attained. The DeVoe School of Business (DSB) is committed to helping students develop the confidence needed to meet these expectations that are an integral part of our graduate degree programs.
The modules for this workshop cover business integration and strategic managementin i need answer with referance and without plagaraism
CriteriaCompleteNot yet complete
Expected Student Learning Outcome 1
Understand and explain the basic concepts of strategy – competitive advantage, mission, vision, objectives, and core competencies.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 2
Identify and appreciate the significance of the five-step strategic management process.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 3
Explain the generic strategies of cost leadership and differentiation.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 4
Analyze an organization using SWOT.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 5
Analyze an industry using the five forces model.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 6
Understand the significance of strategic groups.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 7
Identify the various growth strategies available to firms.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 8
Understand the importance of strategic leadership.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 9
Identify the strategic leadership skills.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 10
Explain the need for change and the role of strategic leadership in organizational change.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 11
Develop an appreciation for the eight-stage change process.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 12
Understand the distinction between internal and external customers.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 13
Understand segmentation, targeting, and positioning concepts.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 14
Understand the relationship between customer service and customer loyalty.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 15
Identify the components of service quality.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 16
Apply the elements of value to a given product or service.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 17
Understand performance management and its role in organizational performance.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 18
Understand balanced scorecard, strategy maps, and activity-based costing.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 19
Develop an appreciation of the role of supply chains in organizational success.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 20
Explain performance management from a system framework.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 21
Understand the criticality of continuous improvement in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 22
Explain the PDCA model for continuous improvement.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 23
Understand problem-solving methodologies.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 24
Develop an appreciation for after action reviews in continuous improvement initiatives.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 25
Understand today’s tools of six sigma, lean, and poka-yoke.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 26
Understand and interpret the components of the value chain.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 27
Explain the importance of value chain integration.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 28
Understand integrated business planning.
Not yet met.
Expected Student Learning Outcome 29
Define the role of ERP in business integration.
Not yet met.

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