Because you are certifying or hoping to certify in a content area that includes

Because you are certifying or hoping to certify in a content area that includes the Science of Teaching Reading standards, you must provide evidence through your lesson planning projects that you know and are able to apply the STR standards. Therefore, you must do the following:
1. Lesson Plan 1 MUST be a lesson plan that uses an English/Reading/Language Arts TEKS that addresses one of the following literacy domains: Phonics; Phonemic Awareness; Comprehension; or Fluency. Vocabulary instruction must BE embedded in the plan as well. You must use this lesson plan format Download lesson plan formatto ensure you are meeting the instructional planning requirements that include the STR. If you did not use one of these areas for TNT 700.3PBP you may create a new plan.
2. Lesson Plan 2 may also be literacy, or you may choose any other standard in any other content area you wish. Vocabulary instruction must also be embedded in the plan, regardless of the content area and standard you choose. You may use the traditional Texas Teachers’ Lesson Plan document Download Texas Teachers’ Lesson Plan documentfor this plan if you wish, or use the literacy plan template Download literacy plan templatefrom Lesson Plan 1 above.
You may download the 700.4PBP Rubric Download 700.4PBP Rubric here to understand the expectations of the project. You must score at least 48 out of 60 points on each lesson plan to be successful. You may submit each plan until you reach a passing score or within four submissions. The following exemplar lesson Download exemplar lessonplan may be useful for you in your planning.
Your work must be your own. You may not use district-provided lesson plans or those others in this course have submitted. Submitting work that is not your own is plagiarism and violates the ethical and professional standards in Texas, as well as violating the Academic Integrity portion of your contract with us.

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