Based on the “Module 1 Lessons” attached as a pdf, answer each of the following

Based on the “Module 1 Lessons” attached as a pdf, answer each of the following questions. The lessons contain videos that could help to be used in your responses. Please rewrite in your own words if using the text lessons or videos to show you understand the material. The word count for each question should be around 300-350 words.
1. Who and what had a major influence on the founding fathers of the United States? How did this influence manifest itself practically?
2. What was the Great Compromise?
3. What is the “Full Faith and Credit Clause” and what challenges did states face in the recent past regarding this clause?
4. What are the distinct roles of the three branches of government and which branch is considered to be the most important and most powerful?
5. The government of the United States is a representative democracy. Explain what this means.
6. Distinguish between the role and responsibilities of the Federal and State governments by stating what areas of law and policy each are responsible for. You do not have to name them all, but give a general overview with examples.
7. Discuss the problems with the first form of government in the United States and why the Articles of Confederation had to be amended (or ultimately replaced).
8. Discuss in detail why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution and not included in the original document? (Include reference to the Federalists and Anti-Federalists in your response).
9. Describe what is meant by the Rule of Law and Majority Rule in a democracy.

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