Background We are living with increasing levels of surveillance in our homes, our places of work, our schools, and even as we walk down the street. Surveillance isn’t limited to security cameras. We are under surveillance of other people nearly all of the time. Brent Staples in “Black Men and Public Space” describes how strangers often perceive him as a “mugger, rapist, or worse,” and he made the realization “that being perceived as dangerous is a hazard in itself.” Being surveilled by others, particularly those who are prejudiced, puts him at risk of violence. In Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, Michel Foucault argues that we have created a society in which everyone is under the threat of surveillance. He writes, “the major effect of the Panopticon: to induce in the inmate a state of conscious and permanent visibility that assures the automatic functioning of power” (201). He believes that because people know they could be observed at any time, they will adhere to the norms expected of them which reduces their creativity and free-will.Surveillance We know that there are vastly different opinions about what constitutes beneficial educational spaces and practices. We have also discussed both the liberating and oppressive qualities that exist in education, and how surveillance also occurs in schools. Even if you haven’t previously considered it, how does this constant surveillance impact you? Does it change your behavior? Do act differently (at home, at school, at work) if you think someone may be watching? For this assignment, I want you to consider where surveillance is most relevant in your life and how it impacts you. Key Texts: For this assignment, you will use evidence from two of our course texts to support your ideas: Remember, when including evidence, you should include an exact quote followed by a parenthetical citation (page number in parentheses) whenever possible. Assignment How have you experienced surveillance either in your education, your personal lives, or both? What happened and what was the impact on you? What changed as a result of this surveillance? Format/Requirements Introduction: Your first paragraph (introduction) should include a thesis—a concise statement where you engage with the prompt above and let your reader know what to expect as the paper unfolds Organization: Your essay should be presented as multiple paragraphs: in addition to the introduction, there should be multiple body paragraphs and a conclusion. Evidence: To provide evidence for your argument, you should integrate relevant quotes from at least two of our class texts (preferably more) as well as explanation of how these quotes support your point MLA FormatLinks to an external site.: 1-inch margins, double-spaced; typed in 12-point Times New Roman font Audience: Assume that your reader is not familiar with the texts we have read. Write as if your own audience is a person who is not part of English 115. What information will you need to provide early on so your readers will understand your ideas? Required length: at least 800 words (stronger essays will probably be longer). Include a word count at the end of your essay. Now is a great time to reach out to LAS online tutoringLinks to an external site. for some feedback on your essay! Remember, you have 3 required PSP or tutor sessions; after 3, you will get extra credit! For more information, please refer to LAS Tutoring Options. Due Date: 11:59pm Sunday, July 2nd. (If you prefer or need to work late into the night, I understand! As long as your essay is submitted before your professor wakes up on Monday morning.) Please submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document or a PDF. Feedback & Grading I will provide individualized feedback on each essay, focusing on what you are doing well and on what you need to focus on in your revision or Essay 2 (if you do not need to revise). You can expect to receive personalized feedback from me within 2 weeks of receiving your essay. As always, if there is something specific you would like feedback on, please make a note of that when you submit your essay. You should NOT be doing outside research for this paper. Everything you need is in our modules. Please remember that you will receive a grade of “Complete” or “Incomplete.” If your paper is “Incomplete,” you must revise and resubmit the assignment. I am here to help as are our SWC Academic TutorsLinks to an external site.. You are not alone in this process. Please be sure to carefully read the rubric for this assignment (located below) before you begin your writing process and again before you submit your final draft. Connection to Unit and Course Objectives This assignment aligns with many of our English 115 Course Objectives: Student will develop and apply varied and flexible strategies for generating ideas as well as for drafting and revising essays Student will apply a variety of critical reading strategies to interpret, analyze, and evaluate a range of primarily non-fiction texts for context, content, style, and rhetorical merit with a consideration of tone, audience, and purpose. Student will effectively summarize, paraphrase, quote, integrate, and cite source material to support arguments and avoid plagiarism. Student will describe and apply editing and proofreading techniques to ensure a level of grammar consistent with the minimum college-level writing standards set forth by the department. This assignment also meets one of our Student Learning Outcomes for English 115: Compose well-developed argumentative and analytical essays, incorporating appropriate rhetorical strategies and properly cited sources. Turnitin Please note that all student essays will be submitted to Turnitin. Turnitin is an originality-checking and plagiarism-prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. When you submit your paper, Turnitin compares it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles, etc.
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