Attached is my research proposal and here’re the feedback after professor read m

Attached is my research proposal and here’re the feedback after professor read my proposal. For the first question, I would like to focus on the economic change in the region. For other questions, I do not have any specific ideas and please help me answer the questions on the proposal.
– What exactly do you want to research (a specific site, a specific type of artefact, a specific concept like identity or economic change)?
– What specific data will be used to answer your research question? For example, if you are interested in economic change, what type or types of pottery would you research? From which sites?
– What methods of analysis of that data will be employed? Following the example of pottery, would you use standard ceramic quantification methods (MNV, EVEs, etc)?
– What previous work with this data has been done? How does it connect to your original research question?

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