Assignment: For this project, you are to gather and read through evidence relat

Assignment: For this project, you are to gather and read through evidence related to
the food system issue you identified for your final paper. Much of this will have
already been done for your annotated bibliography. Next, create a well-referenced
PowerPoint (PPT) presentation and deliver it using VoiceThread in Canvas or any
other technology you choose (including YouTube, your own software, etc.). You are
expected to examine what the academic literature supports or does not support in
relation to the policy/health/sustainability/ethics issue you have been working on.
In the presentation, you are to discuss the importance and substance of the research
question you chose. Next, provide some depth in terms of what literature offers as
evidence in relation to that question, and the extent to which literature provides any
consensus on the topic (or fails to). Finally, offer your insights in one of two ways,
either: 1) whether more research is necessary, and if so, what kind and why, or 2)
what the average consumer can do in light of the evidence you have described. It is
your choice which direction to go on this last criterion, depending on what might be
more applicable or interesting depending on your chosen topic.
Expectations: To develop a strong PPT presentation, you should reference at least 10
peer-reviewed sources of evidence about the issue in question (you may leverage
your annotated bibliography).
You will create a minimum 15-slide PowerPoint
presentation, which will include 1 slide at the end with references (using this
course’s citation style; see Helpful Resources in Module 0) of the sources you used.
Result: The resulting product should be a minimum 15-slide PPT presentation,
including a good mix of well-described evidence, images, and discussion (try to offer
a good presentation as you would at any conference).
Please submit your recorded presentation by providing a VoiceThread link
(preferred), submitting the video file itself, or a link to the video at some other location (such as Google Drive or Dropbox).

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