Assignment 1: For this reflection journal, you will analyze the following t

Assignment 1:
For this reflection journal, you will analyze the following technical document using the concepts you learned in your textbook: TC:18: Writing the body of the report (p.479).
Use Writing the Body of the Report to outline your Formal Analytical Report. Nine bullet points must be included in your report.
For this reflection: Include each question first, then provide a short sentence outline to answer each question. Use this entry as a checklist and compare it to your draft formal analytical report and the revised final report. Ask yourself if you have included all components and which sections you need to develop. What revisions will you make after writing this reflection on analyzing your final product? You may use this reflection journal entry as part of the reflection essay of the report in the appendix.
Assignment 2:
Short Essay
Each student will develop a formal business research report based on their research, using the information from the Proposal and the CAB assignment. Include a Review of Literature section, which examines the needs of the topic. Include images to support the discussion. Use APA layout. Also, you may include any other assignments, discussion posts, etc… from the coursework (attaching article analysis by W5242 for reference)
NOTE: ***Use the Writer’s Checklist: (Chapter 18: pp. 514-515 as a guide for developing the draft and as a final checklist).***
Include the article that you are analyzing. Attach both the draft and the article.

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