Are there any innovations that you have read about during this module that mad

Are there any innovations that you have read about during this module that made sense to you and that you might like to see implemented in your school system or that your school system has adapted related to School Choice, STEM, Online Learning, promoting student engagement, vocational education, inclusion, green schools, teacher training and retention,
Pick two ideas and write a paragraph or two about a school, school system or nation where it is being implemented including specific references to course readings and links in the module and use the topics in your subject line ( i.e. Engaging students with a local history project “. Do not focus on social and emotional learning, school safety and violence because that is covered in other discussions . You can use something that I mentioned in my content guide lecture for one of the two but you have to find and include more about it.
You will find lots of interesting ideas in Edutopia . the Brookings Brown Center Chalkboard and other sources mentioned in this module.
Take a look at what your classmates wrote and respond to two of them who wrote about something different than you did and suggest and briefly summarize another resource about the issue that they focused on.

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