APA 6th Writers level, Master • What are the challenges in running an effective

APA 6th
Writers level, Master
• What are the challenges in running an effective balanced literacy classroom?
• How does Balanced Literacy allow for a more student-centered approach to reading instruction?
• What guiding questions do you have in regards to the readings
Class questions 665 Module 6
Answer these questions using the readings i provide or outside sources be sure to use correct APA citation and in text citation. Also be sure to have a question at the end of each response. These responses don’t need to be very long at least 6-9 sentences. Also please provide the citations below after you have responded.
How would a balanced classroom approach look in a math class?
What are the benefits of having multiage classrooms? 
How does a teacher know when to use a certain part of Balanced Literacy?
Module 7 665
Cooper et al. Chapter 11: pp. 389-431 (Managing a Balanced Literacy Classroom)
• What are the different standards-based literacy lesson frameworks needed in an effective comprehensive literacy classroom?
• What are the various types of text needed for a comprehensive balanced literacy program? Why is it important to use each? 
• What does a Reading Workshop look like in a classroom?
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