Answer the questions listed below after reading: Bhagat, V., Hoang, H., Crocombe

Answer the questions listed below after reading:
Bhagat, V., Hoang, H., Crocombe, L.A., & Goldberg, L.R. (2023). Australian nursing students’ perception, knowledge, and attitude towards oral healthcare of older people and associated factors: A national cross-sectional survey. BMC Nursing, 22(190), 1-12.
1. Describe the research design (examples include but are not limited to: experimental, quasi-experimental, or descriiptive) and discuss design decisions made by the researcher.
2. Discuss steps implemented by the researcher to control for confounding variables.
3. Identify threats to internal validity in the research study.
4. Discuss the sampling design used for the research study. Describe the inclusion and exclusion criteria established by the researcher. In your opinion was the sample representative of the target population?
5. What instruments were used for data collection? What information does the researcher present regarding reliability and validity of data collection methods?
Answers must be provided using complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling. Please use APA level headings to identify the question, your response will follow as the body of that heading.

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