After completing your data collection and analysis, you will write a 5-6 pa

After completing your data collection and analysis, you will write a 5-6
page research paper explaining your findings. Your paper should provide an extended
critical analysis of context, audience, and stakeholders, as well as the rhetorical choices
that structure that community. Your paper should provide your audience with an engaging
narrative and should demonstrate a deep understanding of the community being analyzed.
You are required to include data from your ethnographic research as well as information
from outside sources to add more context to the community (and topic) in question, and to
increase the complexity of your findings. The outside sources you use should be credible
and should be appropriate for an academic audience. They should not be produced by your
discourse community, but rather should be useful for learning more about the literacy and
communication practices of the group you are researching.
Please use proper MLA formatting for the essay, including proper in-text citations and a
Works Cited page.

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