Actually, the area is Archaeology. Find an archaeological topic related to the u

Actually, the area is Archaeology.
Find an archaeological topic related to the use of food, drink, or medicines about which you would like to learn more, develop a research question related to that topic, and address that question in a well-written research paper. You have complete freedom in topic with the following exceptions:
1) the question and sources you draw on must deal with archaeological evidence (although other evidence types, such as historical documents, can also serve as evidence)
2) you must find at least three academic articles, books, or book chapters beyond those assigned in this class (although you may also cite readings from class)
3) you may not draw on non-scholarly sources of evidence, including journalistic writing, without advance permission from your instructor
USE SAA style!
For writer, I choose 5 sources but it doesn’t mean you only need to use 5 sources, you can change this number in order to make the research paper better. However, at least 3 sources! Must be reliable academic literature
Here is an example!!!example!!!(don’t write this topic)
“Tortilla production fueled the rise of many large Maya cities”

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