50 Strategies for Teaching English Learners Links to an external site:.

50 Strategies for Teaching English Learners Links to an external site:.
Focus Area Slides Links to an external site:. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1rIzoAFR8uG2-wZUtakm7YbUWiA18-eqkj1CD9pktsqI/present?slide=id.g35f391192_00
The use of multiple intelligences strategies supports students’ learning of new materials because
it allows them to use the processing systems in which they integrate knowledge most effectively.
This has proven particularly important for English learners. Providing multiple ways for the
students to demonstrate their understanding bolsters their confidence in their own abilities and
reduces their anxiety.
After completing the quiz on multiple intelligence I have provided, please complete a reflection paper on the following:
1. What do you feel you intelligence/s might be after reading the descriiptors?
2. After completing the test, were you surprised? Why or Why not?
3. After the reading and the self assessment do you feel this helps you to better understand the needs of your future students?
4. Do you think learning would have been different for you if your teachers had been more in tune with these ways of teaching to different learners?
i will upload pictures of the quiz and my results:

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