1. What was the original mission/vision/goals of the National Geographic Society

1. What was the original mission/vision/goals of the National Geographic Society and what was the vision that new leadership brought to the table? What is the role of ethics and accountability in the effectiveness of this nonprofit?
2. What were the roles and compositions of the various nonprofit boards in this case? How did that affect the nonprofit’s effectiveness?
3. What role did nonprofit HR/the nonprofit workplace play in the organization’s evolving effectiveness?
4. What was the role of and kinds of collaborations in determining effectiveness of NatGeo?
5. What international tensions played a role in the effectiveness of NatGeo?

Further instructions for case analysis:
To what extent is the nonprofit organization effectively achieving its societal mission? Whatever the situation, there are certain guidelines to follow in writing a case analysis that will improve the evaluation your work will receive from your instructor.
The structure of your written report is critical and the grading rubric is based on the incorporation of the following elements:
All reports begin with an introduction to the case and a roadmap of your analysis. (2 points overall for structure and writing)
The second part of the case write-up is the analysis section. All case analyses will apply chapter theories, concepts, tools, etc. to answer the case questions and draw implications/insights leading to the identification of problems and/or opportunities. Your main goal in this section is to determine the leader’s/organization’s effectiveness (through and course/text concepts) in achieving its nonprofit mission. This section should include the implications of your analysis for the case at hand, using copious case-specific illustrations. (5 points)
In the third part of the case write-up, present your solutions and recommendations. Be comprehensive, and make sure they are in line with the previous analysis so that the recommendations fit together and move logically from one to the next. The recommendations section is very revealing because your instructor will have a good idea of how much work you put into the case from the quality of your recommendations and the evidence (from the readings/analysis) you bring to support your recommendations. Your implications for nonprofit performance should be copiously evidenced by material from the readings. (3 points)
Following this framework (see case analysis rubric on Canvas) will provide a good structure for most written reports, though obviously analyses must be shaped to fit the individual case being considered. Some cases are about excellent nonprofit organizations experiencing no problems. In such instances, it is hard to write recommendations. Instead, you can focus on analyzing why the organization is doing so well and opportunities for the future, using that analysis to structure the discussion.
Following are some minor suggestions that can help make a good analysis even better.
Do not repeat in summary form large pieces of factual information from the case. The instructor has read the case and knows what is going on. Rather, use the information in the case to illustrate your statements, to defend your arguments, or to make salient points. Beyond the brief introduction to the organization, you must avoid being descriiptive; instead, you must be analytical.
Make sure the sections and subsections of your discussion flow logically and smoothly from one to the next. That is, try to build on what has gone before so that the analysis of the case study moves toward a climax.

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