1. This discussion stems from the chapters on Adolescence, but Young adults too

1. This discussion stems from the chapters on Adolescence, but Young adults too can be guilty of using these types of expressions. Share some ‘slang’ expressions from the past (Cool dude! You mean we like, get to like, talk about something fun, that is rad!) Can you remember ‘pubilect’ expressions from your own adolescence/young adulthood?
2. Share at least one expression and tell us when and why the expression was used.
3. What was the effect on others your age? Or older adults?
You are required to post an initial response and two responses to what classmates have posted (a total of three postings). Also – be sure to post on at least two different days! Posting on two differnet days allows for the discussion to work much more like a conversation.
Replies to classmates for this topic should follow this format, but can be a bit less formal: Use the 3CEQ framework to craft your replies – This stands for Compliment, Comment, Connection, Example, & Question. For each reply, you will:
First find an aspect of their post that you can compliment,
then you will make a comment about the post,
then draw a connection (to your post, to your life, to the life of someone you know, to something that you have previously read, to information in the textbook that was not mentioned, etc.).
Also, make sure that you are providing a concrete example – this can be mentioned in the comment and tied in together.
Finally, you will include a question – this helps to drive the discussion further.

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