1. Introduction: According to F.E.Fritsch 1935, Cosmarium placed under Sub order

1. Introduction:
According to F.E.Fritsch 1935, Cosmarium placed under Sub order Desmidioideae of Order
Conjugales belonging to Class Chlorophyceae. Distribution of Cosmarium found throughout India and
Maharashtra. Word Cosmarium derived from Greek Cosm=ornament; arium=place means ornamented place
or cell. According to Guiry and Guiry (2013), 1050 out of 2294 species are accepted taxonomically.
These are single celled algae with central groove which divide cell into two half cells. Frontal view
gives cells oval or rounded appearance, but when view from sides it seems to be flatted or rounded. Cell wall
may be smooth or ornamented. Semicell contain atleast one chloroplast at centre.
Found in freshwater ecosystem have slightly acidic nature, but sometimes it found in basic or
eutrophic water.
2. Study area:
Bodalkasa dam is located on Bhagdeogoti river at village Bodalkasa, taluka Tirora, district Gondia, it
is earth fill type dam. The main purpose of this dam is irrigation. Its construction was completed in year
1917. The length of dam is 510-meter, gross storage capacity 17.392 MCM and live storage capacity 16.454
3. Material and methods:
Material and methods for the study is divided into broadly four headings, they are
3.1 Sample collection: Season wise collection of samples was done from the different sites of dam in early
morning period of 10 AM to 12 AM.
3.2 Preservation of sample: 4 % formalin is use to preserve sample at a spot. To maintain moisture few
drops of glycerine is added to the formalin solution.
3.3 Identification of form: Temporary microscopic slide was made with dilute glycerine and observed
under microscope at different magnification. Selected slides were used for micrometry and digital
3.4 Digital photography and micrometry: Focused form of algae under microscope is used for instant
photography by using digital camera. Size and dimension of form were drawn using Camera lucida and
micrometre (Stage and ocular).
4. Result and discussion:
1. Cosmarium auriculatum Reinsch
Length : 53.504μ long
Width: 49.856μ in dia.,
Isthmus: 24.32μ wide.
Habitat- Dam water (BDW52-2015, BDW125-2016) and spillage of dam (BS-26-2014, BS-86-2017)
Occurrence-Bengal (Turner, 1892), Manipur (Bruhl and Biswas, 1926), Delhi (Singh, 1966a), Andhra
Pradesh (Suxena and Venkateswarulu, 1968a), Gujarat (Patel, 1969; Ashoka Kumar and Patel, 1988),
Madhya Pradesh (Agarkar, 1969; Patel and Satyanarayan, 1976; Misra, 2007), Maharashtra (Kamat, 1975;
Frietas and Kamat, 1979), Rajasthan (Patel and Rao, 1975), Uttar Pradesh (Prasad and Mehrotra, 1977d;
Pandey and Pandey, 1980b), Karnataka (Somashekhar, 1984a), Kerala (Shaji et. al., 1988).
2. Cosmarium divergens Krieger, 1932: (Plate I, Fig.2)
Hirano Minoru-1992; 29: Pl.-51, F.-20.
Krieger1932, 175,plate 11, Fig. 20.
Length : 23.1μ long
Width: 21.4μ in dia.,
Isthmus: 16.5μ wide.
Distinct features: Cell deeply constricted and isthmus wide.
Habitat-Dam water (BDW152-2018) and spillage (BS-97-2016)
Occurrence: Gujarat (Ashoka Kumar and Patel, 1988), Maharashtra (Dhande and Jawale, 2009)
3. Cosmarium ralfsii ,Brebison ex Ralfs. 1848. (Plate I, Fig.3)
Wolle Francis 1892:93 Plate 18; Fig. 1
Pleurotaeniopsis ralfsii (Ralfs) Detoni 1889
Dimension: –
Length: 53.956 μ
Width: 55.272 μ
Distinct feature: – Cell medium sized, sub-orbiculate, very rare.
Habit: – Dam water (BDW29-2015)
Occurance: Maharashtra (Patil, Kiran P., et al. 2017); Kerala ( Shaji et al. 1988)
4. Cosmarium perforatum, P. Lundell et al. 1871:40, Plate II: Fig. 16. (Plate I, Fig.4)
Habit: Dam Water
Length: 60.8 μ
Width: 54.72 μ
Distinct features: Large sized, Cell sinus shows Acute angle, Cell wall shows distinct pores.
Habit: Water of dam (BDW158-2018)
Occurance: Madhyapradesh (Bhatt et al. 2015). It is fist reported from Maharashtra, and rare in India.
5. Cosmarium phaseolus Breb. ex Ralfs, var. phaseolus f. minus Boldt 1848(Plate I, Fig.5)
Prescott et al., p.222, plate 171, figure 4 and 5; Boldt, 1887, p. 102
Length:24.32 μ
Width:23.104 μ
Isthmus: 3.684 μ
Distinct feature: Small, width and length are slightly equal in size, sinus very narrow and with deep
constriction. Semi cells somehow looks reniform in structure.
Habit: Almost maximum collected sample from dam (BDW2-2014, BDW12-2015, BDW59-2016, BDW92-
2017, BDW158-2018.)
Occurrence: Maharashtra ( Dixit , 1937; Dhande and Jawale,2009); Madhyapradesh (Agarkar et al. 1979);
Eastern and Sikkim Himalaya ( Das and Keshri , 2012)
6. Cosmarium portianum Arch. (Plate I, Fig.6)
Scott and Prescott, 1961. Page 65, Plate 28, fig. 8.
Length: 25.536 μ
Width: 18.25 μ
Isthmus: 4.864 μ
Distinct Feature: Medium sized , Semicells are reniform , elongated isthmus
Habit: Dam water (BDW85-2017, BDW110-2018, BDW113-2018).
Occurance: Maharashtra (Kamat, 1975a and b; Freitas and Kamat, 1979), Madhyapradesh (Agarkar et al. ,
1983), Gujarat ( Ashokkumar and Patel, 1988), Kerala ( Shaji and Patel , 1991), Tamilnadu (Perumal and
Anand, 2008), East India (Turner, 1892).
7. Cosmarium granatum Brebisson ex Ralfs, 1848(Plate I, Fig.7)
Length : 40.128 μ
Width: 27.968 μ
Isthmus : 6.08 μ
Distict feature: Medium sized, Cell slightly pyramidate with round angle, isthmus closed and sinus narrow,
cell wall punctate.
Habit: Dam water (BDW42-2016, BDW86-2016, BDW103-2017, BDW187-2018) and spillage (BS14-
2014, BS58-2016, BS114-2018).
Occurance: Maharashtra (Gonzalvales and Joshi, 1946; Kamat, 1963c; Asthekar and Kamat 1979;, Patil and
Kumavat, 2014, Patil and Deore,2017), Asam ( Carter, 1926; Biswas, 1934), Andhra Pradesh ( Suxena and
Venkateswarulu, 1968a) Gujarat (Kamat, 1962; Ashoka kumar and Patel, 1988), Karnataka(Jayangoudar,
1964, Bharati, 1966; Somashekar,1984a), Madhyapradesh (Agarkar,1969) Panjab (Singh 1966a,b) ,
Tamilnadu ( Mahendraperulam and Anand , 2009; Mayakkannam,2010), Uttar Pradesh (Suxena, 1960;
Laxminarayana, 1963;)
8. Cosmarium regnelli Wille var. regnelli (Plate I, Fig.8)
Length: 12.16 μ
Width: 10.944 μ
Isthmus: 4.864 μ
Distinct features: cell small, deep constriction is present in middle of cell, apical indentation is absent, each
half of cell is somehow rectangular in shape, corners of cells seem rounded, sinus open and linear.(
illustration of the Japanese Freshwater Algae, 1977)
Habit: Dam water (BDW32-2015, BDW122-2018) and spillage (BS14-2014 , BS74-2016)
Occurance:Maharashtra ( Patil and Kumavat , 2014), this is first time report from Vidarbha region.
9. Cosmarium reniforme (Ralfs) Arch. (Plate I, Fig.9)
Length: 37.696 μ
Width: 34.048 μ
Isthmus: 12.16 μ
West and West,1908; 3, plate 79, fig. 1 and 2, p157.
Habit: Dam water (BDW32-2016, BDW27-2015)
Occurance: Maharashtra ( Kamat, 1975a; Dhande and Jawale, 2009), Uttar Pradesh (Tiwari and Chauhan,
10. Cosmarium biretum Brebisson ex Rafs, 1848 (Plate I, Fig.10)
Wolle Francis 1892 , Plate 20, Fig 1 and 2.
Length: 51.072 μ
Width: 46.208 μ
Isthmus: 12.16 μ
Distinct features: Rare in occurrence. It may be first time from Maharashtra and Vidharbha.
Habit:- Water of dam
Occurance :- No any evidence found from Maharashtra for this. Gujarat (Patel, 1969), Andhra Pradesh
(Pandey and Pandey , 1980a), Tamilnadu ( Mayakkannam, 2010).
11. Cosmarium holmiense Lundell var. integrum (Plate I, Fig.11)
Length: 49.856 μ
Width: 35.264 μ
Isthmus: 17.024 μ
Distinct features: Broad isthmus, constriction just below the apex
Habit: Dam Water (BDW57-2016)
Occurrence: It may be first report from Maharashtra and Vidarbha

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