1.  Data Base and Challenges             Nursing Education is the professional a

Data Base and Challenges
            Nursing Education is the professional area of focus used for this discussion. CINAHL Plus with Full Text is the database used to search for the article titled Recruiting and Retaining Nurse Faculty Through Mentorship. According to Walden (n.d.), this database pulls nursing and allied health information. One of the most significant challenges when searching for an article of interest through the database is knowing what keywords to use to narrow the search. If one chooses fewer keywords, the search may produce a slight return of articles, if any. Using too many words in one search field will again make few to no results. Thankfully, Walden University’s online library has easily accessible student resources that guide you on effectively searching for a topic using the title, synonyms, author, or Boolean terms to connect keywords Walden University. (n.d.).
The Usefulness of Database for Colleagues
            The CINAHL Plus with Full-Text database would benefit my colleagues in collecting research to support the initiation of a nursing intervention or patient care initiative Wang et al., 2023. When presenting new ideas to colleagues or leadership, having valid and credible research that supports proposed changes is essential. This database allows professionals to search relevant research and peer-reviewed journal content easily. Nurses are responsible for ensuring that the information used for patient care is credible and legitimate. Today with so much information available online, it is vital that when nurses are looking for current and evidence-based practice interventions, they ensure the information obtained is from a scholarly and peer-reviewed source Wang et al., 2023.
Recommend the Database?
            If a colleague were looking for a current algorithm for diabetes management or needed to know the first-line drug for treating a particular condition, then a search engine such as the CINAHL Plus database would not be the ideal first choice. Searches for this information would be best obtained directly from sources such as UpToDate.com or Drugs.com. Conversely, if a colleague were looking for different treatment modalities currently implemented for the treatment of breast cancer in children in low-income, inner-city neighborhoods, the CINAHL database would provide a large selection of articles for review by simply typing in the appropriate keywords and setting the parameters for credible resources Kawar et al., 2023.
2.  I used the PubMed Central database to search for articles regarding Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners. I found a report titled “The Role of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioners in Improving Mental and Behavioral Health Care Delivery for Children and Adolescents in Multiple Settings” through the National Library of Medicine. This article is of interest to me because I have always been concerned with the mental health statuses of the younger generation, mainly because I grew up with a few individuals who battled mental health, attempted suicide, and have been diagnosed with disorders such as bipolar, schizophrenic, anxiety and depression. I did not find any difficulties with this article; it was easy to find. This database would be helpful to my colleagues as it focuses on scholarly scientific and biomedical topics. “PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature to improve global and personal health” (PubMed, 2022). I recommend using this database because it is an educational tool that could help further knowledge and career status.  
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