1. All too often, stagnant diagrams and snapshot textbook images leave us with

1. All too often, stagnant diagrams and snapshot textbook images leave us with the false impression that our bodies are somewhat inert and immobile. Nothing could be further from the truth! In fact, our bodies are nothing if not finely tuned, unfathomably complex, restlessly energized exhibitions of biomolecular motion. What are your thoughts on the video in the link below.

2. After viewing the video in the link below. Please post your thoughts as concerns the relationship between what is commonly (though falsely perhaps) distinguished as the biological brain and psychological mind.

3. The prospect of extending human life expectancy to a potentially eternal status has tantalized our species throughout recorded history. The video (Link below) features some of the recent breakthroughs in genetics, molecular and cellular biology, and bioengineering that are yet again igniting individual dreams of reaching a far more distant future than previously thought possible. What are your thoughts on this.

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