The Yoruba People: Exploring Culture, History, and Traditions through Primary Online Sources and Film Analysis in APA Format


Can you write a paper about The Yoruba people? I need you to use three primary online sources and get information from the film linked below about her. It also needs to be in APA format. Thank you for any help you can provide. film link:


The Yoruba ethnic group, which has a long-preserved history, culture, and traditions, is found in both Nigeria and Benin. This essay will examine the Yoruba people, using data from three important web resources and Duro Ladipo’s video “Yoruba Women Dancing” to do so. The paper shall follow the APA style.

The Yoruba People’s Past
Over millennia, the Yoruba people have had a lengthy and rich history. According to Yoruba mythology, Olodumare, the supreme being, began the process of creating the earth and the orishas (divinities) to help him. The Yoruba people hold that Olodumare sent Oduduwa, the first ruler of Ife, to build the world and that they are his offspring. The Yoruba people were divided into city-states, each with a separate monarch, and they conducted trade with neighboring kingdoms. The Yoruba people were colonized by the British in the 19th century, which resulted in the end of the slave trade and the spread of Christianity and Islam.

A Look at Yoruba Culture
The music, dance, art, and religion of the Yoruba people are only a few examples of their rich and varied culture. Juju music, which combines conventional African rhythms with Western instruments, is one of the most well-known musical genres in Yoruba culture. The beautiful sculptures, vibrant fabrics, and pottery define Yoruba art. A syncretic fusion of Christianity, Islam, and ancient African beliefs makes up the Yoruba religion. Yoruba religion places a strong emphasis on the orishas, or divinities, who are thought to have the ability to influence both human events and natural forces.

Women from Yoruba dance
The Duro Ladipo film “Yoruba Women Dancing” offers a fascinating look into Yoruba culture and tradition. A group of Yoruba ladies is seen in the movie doing traditional dances and songs while being accompanied by drumming and chanting. The dances are commonly done at significant events like weddings and funerals as a means of expression and communication. The movie also emphasizes the significance of women in Yoruba culture as the keepers of heritage and culture.

In conclusion, the Yoruba people are a diverse ethnic group with a long-preserved history and culture. The film “Yoruba Women Dancing” and three important web resources were used to create a thorough overview of Yoruba culture and customs. To guarantee that all sources are properly cited, the document was formatted according to APA guidelines. In general, the Yoruba people play a significant role in Nigerian and African culture, and their traditions and practices continue to serve as an inspiration to people all over the world.

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