Strategies for Culturally Competent Care of African Americans: Insights from Module 6 and Personal Experience


Based on the readings, viewing Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and your own experience, what strategies would you recommend encouraging culturally competent care of African Americans?
Submission Instructions:
Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in the current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.


To ensure African Americans’ well-being and health outcomes, it is essential to provide culturally competent care. Using information from the readings, videos found on Module 6: Lecture Materials & Resources page, and my own experience, I will address the methods I think can help promote the culturally competent treatment of African Americans in this essay.

Acknowledging and comprehending the effects of past trauma is one way to promote culturally competent care for African Americans. The history of African Americans is complicated and involves slavery, segregation, and continued systemic racism. This past has influenced people’s mistrust of the healthcare system and hesitation to seek treatment. Healthcare professionals must be aware of this history, acknowledge it, and seek to earn the trust of their African American patients. Education and training that emphasize the value of cultural humility and an awareness of the background and experiences of African Americans are two ways to do this.

Another tactic is to deliver patient-centered care that is sensitive to African American patients’ needs and preferences. To do this, specific social, economic, and environmental aspects that affect their health must be taken into consideration. African Americans, for instance, are more prone to face environmental pollutants, food insecurity, and poverty, all of which might affect their health results. By introducing patients to local resources and educating them on healthy lives and habits, healthcare providers can try to address these socioeconomic determinants of health.

A crucial component of providing culturally competent care for African Americans is communication. Healthcare professionals should be aware of African Americans’ potential distinctive communication preferences and styles so they can modify their communication as necessary. For instance, whereas some African Americans could like a more indirect and collaborative form of communication, others might prefer a more direct and authoritative manner. Additionally, healthcare professionals can avoid making assumptions about their patients’ views or behaviors by using terminology and vocabulary that are culturally acceptable.

Additionally, healthcare professionals can encourage African Americans to be health-literate. The ability to comprehend and apply health information is referred to as health literacy. African Americans could experience difficulties comprehending medical jargon and getting access to health information. By utilizing straightforward language and offering accessible teaching resources that are appropriate for all patients’ cultures, providers can address this issue.

Finally, healthcare professionals may seek to improve health equity for African Americans and lessen healthcare inequities. To do this, institutional racism and prejudice, among other causes of health inequalities, must be addressed. The hurdles that prohibit African Americans from getting high-quality healthcare can be lessened with the help of providers who can lobby for legislative changes that support health equity.

In conclusion, offering culturally appropriate treatment to African Americans necessitates a comprehensive strategy that considers the distinct needs and experiences of this community. By acknowledging the effects of past trauma, offering patient-centered care, effectively communicating, fostering health literacy, and addressing healthcare inequities, healthcare workers can promote culturally competent care. Healthcare professionals may make sure that African Americans get the excellent treatment they need by putting these methods into practice.


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