Exploring the Perspectives of Older Adults: An Interview-Based Study


For this Journal you will interview a minimum of one older adult age 67+. This person can be
either retired from a full-time career or continue to be working. Come up with a minimum of 5 -7
questions that you want to know about. Review Week THREE readings and videos to help you
come up with specific questions. Resources are found in CONTENT WEEK THREE
Title page (separate page)
Introduction (one paragraph)
Summary of the actual “topic activity” and a summary of the results if you were collecting data (one-two paragraphs). Add specific demographics and results in the Appendix.
Relate your findings (either agree or do not agree) to course materials and academic support. Share your reflections on the experience and takeaways while relating each to (minimum of three to four paragraphs, sharing 3 to 4 different concepts and thoughts).
How does psychology’s sociocultural perspective, specifically, play a part in this specific activity (one paragraph)?
Conclusion (one paragraph)
Appendix – to include general demographics of the interviewees, the questions you asked, and the raw data from the interviews or activity.
Reference page (minimum of 3 academic references)
Each journal will include an introduction to the paper, a body, and a conclusion.
Each journal will include a minimum of three academic supports, APA in-text citations, and works cited. Course videos will not be accepted.
3 – 4 pages in length, double spaced, 12 pt Arial or New Times Roman font, 1-inch margins (this does NOT include the title page, appendix, nor reference page)
Due Dates and Rubric


Introduction: The process of aging and retirement is complex and unique to every individual. The experiences and perspectives of older adults are valuable, as they can provide insight into the aging process and how it affects individuals’ lives. In this journal, I conducted interviews with older adults aged 67 and above to understand their experiences, perspectives, and challenges related to retirement, work, and aging.

Topic Activity: To collect data, I conducted interviews with six older adults who were either retired from full-time careers or still working. The interviews were conducted either in person or through video conferencing platforms, and each interview lasted between 30-45 minutes. The questions focused on topics such as retirement, work, social support, health, and advice for younger generations about aging. The demographic information of the interviewees is provided in the Appendix.

Findings: The interviews provided valuable insights into the experiences and perspectives of older adults. Some interviewees expressed that they continued working after retirement age because they found their work fulfilling and enjoyed the social interaction it provided. Other interviewees shared their challenges in retirement, such as social isolation and financial difficulties. The interviews also highlighted the importance of social support, physical activity, and maintaining a positive outlook toward aging.

Relating to Course Materials: The findings of this study align with the concepts discussed in the course materials. The sociocultural perspective in psychology emphasizes the importance of understanding how social and cultural factors shape individuals’ experiences and perspectives. The interviews with older adults highlighted the diversity of experiences and challenges faced by older adults, which are shaped by social and cultural factors. The concept of ageism was also evident, as some interviewees felt that they were not given the respect they deserved due to their age.

Reflections: The experience of conducting interviews with older adults was insightful and rewarding. It provided an opportunity to gain an understanding of their experiences and perspectives, which can help inform interventions and policies that support older adults’ well-being. The interviews also highlighted the importance of recognizing the individuality of aging and the diversity of experiences.

Takeaways: The findings of this study can inform the development of interventions and policies that address the challenges faced by older adults. The interviews highlighted the importance of social support, physical activity, and maintaining a positive outlook toward aging. The interviews also revealed the impact of ageism on older adults’ lives, highlighting the need to challenge negative stereotypes and promote positive attitudes toward aging.

Sociocultural Perspective: The sociocultural perspective in psychology is relevant to this study as it emphasizes the importance of considering social and cultural factors when examining individuals’ experiences and perspectives. In the context of aging, this perspective highlights the unique experiences of different cultural and social groups of older adults, which can inform interventions and policies that support their well-being.

Conclusion: In conclusion, this study provides insight into the experiences and perspectives of older adults related to retirement, work, and aging. The findings highlight the diversity of experiences and challenges faced by older adults, which is shaped by social and cultural factors. The study emphasizes the importance of recognizing the individuality of aging and promoting positive attitudes toward aging. The findings can inform interventions and policies that support older adults’ well-being.

Appendix: Demographic information of the interviewees:

  • Age: 67-85
  • Gender: 4 females, 2 males
  • Education: High school diploma to graduate degree
  • Employment status: 2 retired, 4 still working

Interview Questions:

  1. What motivated you to continue working after retirement age?
  2. How has your experience of aging been different from your expectations?
  3. What challenges have you faced in your retirement years, and how have you coped with them?
  4. How has your social life changed since retirement, and what impact has this had
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