Choose a form of deviance (preferably a form of non-criminal deviance) and revie

Choose a form of deviance (preferably a form of non-criminal deviance) and review the sociological research on that topic. The research paper should discuss one theoretical explanation of the deviance chosen.
The paper will be 3-4 pages in length, 12 inch font, New Times Roman print, APA referenced, and double-spaced.
The paper will consist of the following:
1. Introduction – Define the topic. How and why is the behavior you chose deviant? Is this behavior only deviant in certain societies or in all societies? Is this a behavior that was previously deviant but is no longer deviant? Is this a behavior that was historically not deviant but is considered deviant today?
2. Statistics – What is the prevalence of this behavior? In other words, how widespread is it, among what groups? Discuss differences by culture, race, class or gender if appropriate.
3. Perspective – Choose a theory of deviance and apply it to your topic. Explain the theory in detail and show how it helps to explain the causes of this behavior. You may also want to discuss why it is considered deviant.
4. Sources – You must have a minimum of two academic sources for this paper. Use either academic books or journal articles. Do not use magazine articles, TV news stories, textbooks, websites, etc., unless they are in addition to your two required sources. Papers must be fully referenced using APA style.

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