(This course name is Interaction Design Studio) Exercise 1: A Survey of Social C

(This course name is Interaction Design Studio)
Exercise 1: A Survey of Social Cause Design
” Design for social impact is the practice of interrogating real-world systems—institutional, economic, social, political, interpersonal—in order to define opportunities for change that give voice to those who has been disenfranchised or marginalized by design.”
Find three Apps or Websites that bring attention to social causes or human needs, beyond the realm of commerce.
Include name of app / site / etc. as title
Include URL
Write a paragraph about what makes each app / site special.
Show us 3-5 images: In your images point out 2-4 Visual Designs/UI/UX aspects (good or bad)
Present as a well designed PDF slide show, horizontal format.
Upload by Sunday Midnight.
Name Format: FirtsName_ LastInitial_Ex01
Think Forward: What would you design, why, how…
list 5-10 causes , and app /websites designs that might respond to them
Comments from Customer
Customer is an international student. Please, provide a regular grammatically correct, well-structured paper according to the instructions and academic context provided, written with simple sentence structures and easy vocabulary (or shortly, use simple English).

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