Choose one of the following files from the Statdisk User Manual document: Oscar

Choose one of the following files from the Statdisk User Manual document:
Oscar Winner (This file contains the age of each actress and actor Oscar winner at the time of their win.)
Freshman 15 (This file contains the weight in kilograms and BMI of freshmen in September and in April.)
Word Count (This file contains the counts of words spoken in a day by male and female students in size different sample groups.)
Garbage Weights (This file contains the weights in pounds of household garbage.)
Passive and Active Smoke (This file contains the measured levels of serum continine in ng/ml).
Note: You will need to choose two (2) quantitative variables from the file that you chose and label them Variable 1 and Variable 2.
Make the following computations in Statdisk, and then copy your work into your report.
Note: Be sure to copy all work into your report and to label your computations. In your report, you should:
Determine the type of data (quantitative or qualitative) and the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio) for the data set. Explain how you determined the type of data.
Find the mean, median, and midrange for the data in Variable 1. Paste your results from Statdisk in your report.
Find the range, variance, and standard deviation for Variable 1. Paste your results from Statdisk in your report.
List any values for the first column that you think may be outliers. Why do you think that? (Hint: You may want to look at the modified boxplot, sort the data, and look at the smallest and largest values.)
Find the mean, median, and midrange for the data in Variable 2. Paste your results from Statdisk in your file.
Find the range, variance, and standard deviation for Variable 2. Paste your results from Statdisk in your file.
List any values for the second column that you think may be outliers. Why do you think that? (Hint: You may want to look at the modified boxplot, sort the data, and look at the smallest and largest values.)
Find the five-number summary for the data in Variables 1 and 2. You will need to label each of the columns with an appropriate measure in the top row for clarity.
Compare the two variables from the dataset using a boxplot of Variables 1 and 2. Paste your boxplot in your file.
Create a histogram for Variables 1 and 2 data. Paste it in your file.
Using the descriptive statistics calculated earlier, what conclusions can you make when you compare the two variables? You will want to address each of the following points below. Please be sure to use specific values to support your reasoning. You must justify your conclusions with Statdisk results from the descriptive statistics, histogram, and boxplot for each portion below.
Reminder: Your boss does not have any experience with statistics, so explain your reasoning in a way that is understandable by all people. To justify your conclusions, you should:
Explain one conclusion about a measure of center (mean, median, midrange).
Explain one conclusion about the variability in the two datasets (variance, standard deviation, range).
Explain one conclusion about the shape of the distribution (by mentioning direction of skew and the relationship of the mean and median).

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