Please respond to Mary with 100 words From my understanding, there are four typ

Please respond to Mary with 100 words
From my understanding, there are four types of parenting styles. The parenting styles are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. Authoritarians are usually what society would call very strict parents they mostly enforce rules and don’t often encourage creativity. Authoritative is a style where parents enforce rules but encourage safe forms of freedom and creativity. A permissive parenting style is usually when parents have little to no rules and let the child do what they want. Uninvolved parenting style is pretty self-explanatory where parents usually don’t care what their child is doing. Personally, I grew up with an authoritative parenting style. I think it was very effective. Especially in my teen years, I was able to explore life in a safe way. It also made for a happy childhood. I was only disciplined when necessary and my mom often says she seldom had issues with my behavior. I was able to explore the world under my parents’ supervision and I feel as if I wasn’t held back from being who I am during childhood. I was always encouraged to be creative and that made for a very positive home environment and a good relationship with my parents. I think the authoritarian parenting style was effective for my parents in raising me and I would do the same with my own children.

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