For this assignment, you are to imagine you are a journalist/newspaper editor fr

For this assignment, you are to imagine you are a journalist/newspaper editor from the past. The exact time in the past depends on your choice. You are going to write a newspaper article about the impact of a third-party presidential campaign in American history. Don’t be afraid to research as far back as the 19th century. The article’s timing should be no more than a week after the final results of the election. What will you, the editor of your newspaper, say about the following?
What year is the election?
Who is the third party candidate, and for which party was he or she the presidential nominee?
What are the third-party candidate’s views of the two-party system in America?
What is the candidate’s stated agenda or platform?
How did the third-party candidate impact the political discourse during the election year?
Did he or she receive as much media coverage as the two major party candidates?
What were the final results of the election, and how did the third-party candidate do?
What role did the Electoral College play in the election, and as editor, what’s your take on whether or not the Electoral College system is consistent with the notion of “government by the people?” Explain your reasoning.
No third-party candidate has ever won the presidency, and third parties don’t hold much power at any level of government. What electoral and legislative changes might occur if a third party actually held considerable power? In other words, what would be the outcome of America transitioning from a two-party system to a multi-party system?

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