Find a news event/article that relates to the topic of this week, which is Organ

Find a news event/article that relates to the topic of this week, which is Organizational Culture.
Criteria for the news:
From a reputable news source (print, internet, TV). Avoid blogs and personal websites.
Related to this week’s topic(s) and explores a topic that interests you.
Current (published within the last 5 years).
Once you have found the news event/article, you will make THREE posts (one initial; two responses) to this discussion.
Initial Post: Your first post must be a substantive post (250 words) and is due by 11:59PM Wednesday of the week. It must include the following:
Introduction: What is the title, source, and publication date of the news you found?
100-word Summary: What are the most important details to get across?
200-word Analysis: How does the news you found relate to this week’s topics? What connections can you draw between this week’s readings/lectures and the specific elements from the news? How, if at all, did the news help you understand a concept/idea from this week? What questions arose while you read? (Remember: This part of your post is not a summary; use your analytical skills).
chapter “2” of textbook “Bateman, Snell, & Konopaske. (2017). Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World, 12th Edition. McGraw-Hill.”

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