How is the project being used today?

Choose one work of architecture covered in the course, either in course lectures or the textbook. This selection must be a single work of architecture and NOT a collection of structures. For example, students may NOT pick the Great Pyramids of Giza. Students MAY pick one of the pyramids to focus on. The reason why: selecting a collection of buildings produces a paper that is too broad and tries to cover too much material. Students should select a single work of architecture in order to be as specific as possible in their analysis.
Write a 2,500-word paper that studies and interprets the work of architecture as a historical, cultural, and aesthetic product. The paper should be a holistic interpretation of the work of architecture, investigating a range of internal and external factors, as explained in the introduction above. The paper SHOULD NOT be a research report or book report, which is a recounting of facts about the work of architecture. This paper SHOULD BE an interpretation of the information students discover about the work of architecture. Each paper must be guided by an original thesis statement, which summarizes the student’s argument and takes a unique position about the work of architecture. Analysis and synthesis of research is required to produce a paper that satisfies this assignment.
The paper must include a thesis statement. Within the first paragraph, this thesis statement communicates the ‘big idea’ to the reader and, then in future paragraphs, is backed up by evidence / research. To formulate the thesis statement, helpful questions might be: In studying the architecture, what have you noticed? What questions or ideas have begun to formulate? What would I like to prove about the architecture in my paper?
Additional guidance about formulating this thesis statement is offered in the “Paper 1 Outline” assignment. If a student is unfamiliar with how to write a strong thesis statement, they are strongly encouraged to seek assistance from the UF Writing Studio (more information below).
To begin, conduct some initial research to identify works of architecture you might be interested to write about. You may select a work from any portion of the course, even if we haven’t covered it by the time the paper is due. Remember, this paper requires significant effort and time on your part, so be sure to select a paper topic that interests you and you hope to learn more about.
In finalizing your selection, be sure there are ample resources available to you to produce a paper of the required length. Do not overlook sources which may be focused on the architect, time period, etc, rather than the individual work of architecture only. A minimum of 6 scholarly sources is required for the paper. Scholarly sources are academic in nature and/or are written by experts. General sources, like Wikipedia, are NOT scholarly. The course textbook and lectures can be used as sources for the paper, but they do NOT count toward the minimum number of sources.
In your research and interpretation, the physical characteristics of the work of architecture are likely to stand out to you, as these are easily seen and assessed in photos and drawings. In addition to the physical, don’t overlook the range of intangible factors that guided the creation of the architectural work. For example, the specific preferences of the architect, the financial budget available, and the time period.
Don’t overlook the importance of architectural ‘site’ and ‘context’. The architectural site is composed of the physical characteristics and parameters of the land the work of architecture is located on or within. The topography, property boundaries, trees and other flora, and soil types are all characteristics of the site. For example: Does the project nestle or fit within the site, or is it in contrast? How did the location of large trees impact what could be designed and built? How did the architect respond to the steep slope of the land? The architectural context is a much broader concept, including characteristics of the surroundings. Examples of the physical surroundings are climate, landscape, rain fall, adjacent buildings, and streets. For example: How does the annual rainfall and temperature impact the design? How does the architecture address the shade from the adjacent building?
When interpreting the architecture, consider the socio/cultural/historical surroundings, such as the time period, cultural traditions, client / owner, and daily life. For example: Can we see the cultural tradition of basket-weaving within the architecture? How did other creative works impact the architect at the time this project was designed and built? Are the construction methods typical for this area of the world?
Consider how the work of architecture has been used over time. If the project had an original client or user, what were the original goals for the projects? How did the design meet their needs? Investigate how the work of architecture might have been used differently over various time periods to address changing needs or preferences. How is the project being used today?
In the writing of the paper, be sure to use a formal academic style of writing. While you’ll be communicating your ideas and conclusions, you should write from a third person point of view. You should NOT use first person statements using “I”, “me”, or “my”.

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