Your paper should use MLA formatting and include in-text citations and a Works C

Your paper should use MLA formatting and include in-text citations and a Works Cited page. You must use direct quotes or paraphrase from your primary source, Oedipus Rex.
Appropriate academic secondary sources are welcome, but not required. You may use any of the materials provided in the folders on Oedipus Rex to support your thesis.
CHOSEN ONE of the paper prompts for a paper on Oedipus Rex:
What is the role of omens, superstitions, and prophecies in Oedipus Rex?
What is the role of the chorus in Greek theater and how is it used in Oedipus Rex?
Research the role of masks in Greek theater and view the clip from Sir Tyrone Guthrie’s Oedipus Rex Film. How might the use of masks enhance or detract from the production of the play?
How does hubris (excessive) pride affect Oedipus and lead to the tragic climax of the play?
Analyze one character from Oedipus Rex. Consider age, family, social position, personality traits, beliefs, and motivation. Make a specific assertion about this character.
What does Oedipus Rex suggest about knowledge and understanding?
How does Sophocles develop the idea of fate and free will in his play?
Discuss the motif of blindness in the tragedy. How does sight affect the truth?
Explain whether Oedipus deserves his fate (is guilty) and of what?
Discuss the Oedipus Complex in the context of the play. Has Oedipus killed his father unconsciously to obtain his mother Jocasta?
What role does the Oracle at Delphi play in the Oedipus Rex?
What role does Tiresias play in the conflict between Oedipus and Creon?
What is the relationship between gods and people in Oedipus Rex?
Who is “more guilty” Oedipus or his parents?

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