Textbook: Launching New Ventures, 7TH 16 Author/Publisher: Allen, Kathleen R/Cen

Textbook: Launching New Ventures, 7TH 16 Author/Publisher: Allen, Kathleen R/Cengage Learning
ISBN: 978-1-305-10250-7
Please answer the reflective questions:
1) To be entrepreneurial, what does the concept mean to you?
2) Many, if not, most people prefer predictability to uncertainty, yet the entrepreneurial process is inherently chaotic, dynamic, and uncertain. In your opinion, what qualities might be good predictors of being a successful entrepreneur?
Write a 1 – 2 pages response to the reflective questions.
The minimum expectation is that your response must demonstrate the following:
1) a basic understanding of the subject matter
2) Use examples to support claims made in your writing
3) Use basic appropriate language
4) Demonstrate a basic sense of voice, sentence structure and some awareness of audience
5) Demonstrate some control of conventions and few errors that do not hinder comprehension.

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