Overview: In the first unit of the course, we discussed what it means to be an

In the first unit of the course, we discussed what it means to be an intentional teacher and some of
the qualities that intentional teachers possess. Throughout the course, we have tied all of the
theories and course topics to the practice of intentional teaching. For this course project, you will
complete a Teacher Spotlight Interview and incorporate the many concepts and theories that we
have discussed throughout the course into your final reflection.
Teacher Spotlight Interview: (This is attached and needs to be filled out)
For this project, you will interview a teacher that you believe espouses many qualities of an
intentional teacher. This can be a teacher from your past, one of your children’s teachers, a
teacher you work with, or perhaps even a teacher in your community that you have heard great
things about. You might even want to contact your local district and inquire who last year’s
“Teacher of the Year” was if you aren’t sure where to start for selecting your interviewee. For your
interview, use the Teacher Spotlight Interview Form provided to help plan and guide your
Your project must contain the following elements:
1.Teacher Spotlight Interview Form:
**This form is attached**
The questions are examples and suggestions. Can be reworded but can be ok to make up own questions.
**At least 10 questions are needed for interview**
**This must be on a seperate paper**
2. Reflection Paper:
In your Reflection Paper, summarize the interview
responses/classroom observations you experienced. Make course connections by tying
these responses/observations to the theories, concepts, and practices that we have
discussed throughout the course. Include your key takeaways from the
interview/observation and a discussion of which theories most strongly drive the practices
of the teacher you have interviewed/observed. Elaborate on these course connections.
An example:
If the teacher states that they use a Token Economy system in their class
to increase student motivation, you would then discuss Skinner’s Operant Conditioning
and Extrinsic Motivation as well. These are both theories and concepts that were
discussed in the course that inform this teacher’s intentional practice of the use of
Token Economies
3. Three (3) Scholary Sources: Be sure to cite your references throughout your paper.
• The body of your reflection paper must consist of at least five (5) full pages with additional
title and reference pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins.
• Use at least three (3) scholarly sources in your work and include all reference citations in
correct APA formatting. You may use your textbook as one scholarly reference. Your
paper must be formatted according to APA guidelines.
• Use complete sentences and appropriate grammar and spelling.

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