Now that you are familiar with the steps of the writing process, which steps do

Now that you are familiar with the steps of the writing process, which steps do you think will be the most challenging for you? Which steps do you think will be the least challenging for you? Explain your answer.
Post the topic and proposed 3-point, thesis statement you plan to write about in your informative essay. The topic for your informative essay is up to you. You should select a topic that interests you or one that is related to your career goals. For the informative essay, remember you must base your essay on facts only, so stay away from topics that are debatable. Topics relating to religion or politics are not good candidates for this information essay assignment because of the need to remain unbiased and source factual evidence only. If you are undecided about a topic, here are some suggestions:
Preparation for a natural disaster in the Pacific Northwest or other area (explain three steps to prepare for an earthquake)
Self-driving cars (inform readers about three main types of infrastructure required to support self-driving cars)
Global warming (describe three impacts of global warming or introduce three agencies who study global warming)
Water or food security (inform readers about the current state of water or food security, measures underway to ensure there is water or food security, or the use of GMOs)
Leadership or Management (inform readers about three leadership or management strategies and how they positively impact the workplace)
Health or fitness (inform readers about three health benefits associated with an activity such as walking, sleeping, drinking water, or eating vegetables)
Instructions (inform readers about how to complete an activity in three steps or phases)
Choosing a career (describe three steps one might take in choosing a career)
Benefits of writing well (write about three benefits of writing well and/or its impact on a particular career)
Sports (select a sports team and inform readers about three of the team’s successes or failures)
Standard American Diet (SAD) or organic food movement (explain three impacts of the SAD or three benefits of eating organic food)
Fake news or native advertising (describe three ways to determine if an article is fake news or native advertising and the growing distrust of news)
Corporate Social Responsibility (describe three examples Boeing or another company is doing to fulfill community service obligations in Seattle)
Alternative energy (choose one type of energy to focus on such as electric cars, solar panels, wind farms, etc. and describe three elements of this energy)
New technology (choose a new technology and write about three uses, three steps to implementation, or three characteristics)
Process (explain three steps to complete a process)
A hobby or extracurricular activity (choose a hobby or extracurricular activity that interests you and write about three benefits or requirements)
Benefits of writing well (write about three benefits of writing well and/or its impact on a particular career)
Learning a second language (write about three benefits of learning a second language)

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