Everything you will need for this discussion post will be down below, i will pro

Everything you will need for this discussion post will be down below, i will provide the same given instructions i was given by my professor.
This Post is based off the primary source book by Perry, i went ahead and took pictures of the pages you will need to complete this post.
I went ahead and uploaded the pictures in the Files section in order from IMG-4914 to IMG-4967. which starts from Pg.3 to pg.50 in order
the 25 Questions will be in the book but just in case i will go ahead and put them down below of the first 25 questions:
1) what examples and sources are used to support petrach’s claims about good government? (pg.3)
2) how highly does he esteem the writings of the ancient greeks and romans? (pg.3)
3) what behaviors will ensure good and healthy marriage in renassance italy? (pg.7)
4) Do these differ from expected behaviors in other historical periods? (pg.7)
5) how does valla express his outrage, and what rhetorical forms does he employ? (pg.14)
6) how does he use the tools of “humanism” to do so? (pg.14)
7) what was the role of women in arranging suitable marriages? is this surprising? (pg.16)
8) what factors in this mothers opinion, create a good marriage? (pg.16)
9) under what conditions is a powerful tyrant necessary? (pg.18)
10) what sorts of examples does machiavelli use in his argument? how does he derrive general principles from them? (pg.18)
11) what interest did the madonna porzia have in this rising young artist? (pg.21)
12) what does this document reveal about the artistic ambience of rome in this period? (pg.21)
13) what did this act accomplish and by what authority or power? (pg.27)
14) what was the relationship between church and state in england as a result of this act? (pg.27)
15) how and why was this tied to the protestant reformation? (pg.27)
16) why did the council of trent consider the issues excerpted here? what did they hope to achive by doing so? (pg.28)
17) in what ways and to what extent were those disccusions and resolutions in reaction to the criticisms of protestant reformers? how and why? (pg.28)
18) what was the authors view of cranmer and how did that shape his account of cranmers conviction and execution? (pg.33)
19) how was cranmers trail and execution related to changing religious plolicies in england and in europe? (pg.33)
20) what does zells letter say about the role of women in the protestant movement? (pg.36)
21) according to zell, what religious groups experienced persecution in strasbourg? why? (pg.36)
22) what does her letter tell us about the protestant reformation as it unfolded in the strasbourg area? (pg.36)
23) what did elizabeth and the english parliament hope to accomplish with the passage of this act? (pg.38)
24) how did this act fit into the larger context of the reformation in england and church state relations? (pg.38)
25) according to this report, why and how was campion arrested? by whom? (pg.42)
Remember only 25 questions needs to be answer and nothing more. all you will need are the pages i sent in the files section.
PLEASE separate and have each question numbered in the same order as given.
Answer 25 questions from the Primary Source book, by Perry. The sections and the questions you read are of your choice. Answers should be 4-5 sentences in length. Do not be general in your answer. Be sure to answer all parts of the questions.

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