COMBINATION OF TASK #1, #2, #3 and the COM 595 Final Attachement You are only a

COMBINATION OF TASK #1, #2, #3 and the COM 595 Final Attachement
You are only adding maybe a total of 6 pages. The total essay needs to be 25 pages in length. The goal here is to combine all of the attached files into a rough draft essay in the structure that is listed below.
Task#4: Students will submit a draft of their project. The instructor will provide feedback and help to develop this into final draft form. At this point, the written elements of each type of paper. should have at least 50% of the page count requirement for the final draft.
The following should be included:
Capstone Case Study Research Paper Specific Instructions: Students will turn in the final paper that is at least 25 pages, written in proper APA style. Students will write a case study paper that identifies that examines an aspect of strategic communication. This comprehensive paper is driven by theory and practices learned through the coursework. A minimum of three of the course content areas should be reflected in the paper. This will be completed in the project brief and various course tasks throughout the term.
In the proposal include the following completed sections:
a. An Introduction
b. Background and Significance
c. Literature Review
d. Analysis of Topic
e. Evaluation of Topic
f. Conclusion

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