Discussion Questions: Research your Microsoft and report on any major issue(s) o

Discussion Questions:
Research your Microsoft and
report on any major issue(s) of international taxation that is (are)
addressed in this chapter. Post
this assignment in the chapter conference.
Discuss how your MNC
handles transfer pricing.
Suggested Information Input:
Topics of discussion can include
but are not limited to: Are transfers
from a subsidiary to its parent (upstream)? From the parent to a subsidiary
(downstream)? Or from one subsidiary to another of the same parent? Transfer pricing methods? What are the objectives of your MNCs transfer
pricing practices? What law(s) govern
your MNCs practices? What method is
The enforcement of transfer pricing
regulations in the country where you MNC is located?
SEC 10K: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/789019/000156459022002324/msft-10q_20211231.htm

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