Discussion Board 7.1 (16 points) The following readings provide information on p

Discussion Board 7.1 (16 points)
The following readings provide information on poverty and the effects it has on children and youth.
Effects of Poverty, Hunger and Homelessness on Children and Youth, American Psychological Association, apa.org, 2020
How Poverty Affects Classroom Engagement, Jensen, Educational Leadership, ascd.org, 2013
How Poverty and Education Are Related, Johnston, moneywise.com, 2020
New U.S. Census Report Shows Rise in Poverty: Kids’ Education to Suffer, Chen, PBS, 2019
Seven Lessons about Child Poverty, Chang, The Century Foundation, tcf.org, 2015
Children and youth have lived in poverty forever in our country. However, there is a new focus on the long-term effects poverty has on families. After viewing the above readings, in 4-6 paragraphs discuss what your reactions are to how poverty has directly affected success in school?
Discussion Board Requirements:
The initial post must be 4-6 paragraphs.
All information gathered from sources must be cited in APA format.
Respond to 4 postings. Your responses should incorporate additional information or ideas, encourage or coach, or add content to the discussion. Ideally, you should also return to your own posting and respond to those who have responded to you. In order to ensure that all members of the class are engaged, please choose to respond first to those who have no responses.
Discussion Board 7.2 (16 points)
How does ‘toxic stress’ of poverty hurt the developing brain? (9:37), PBS NewsHour, YouTube, 2015
Effects of Poverty on the Brain (5:57), Brief Brain Snacks, YouTube, 2018
How does income affect childhood brain development? | Kimberly Noble (11:47), TED, YouTube, 2019
After viewing the above video and completing additional research on poverty and the effects it may have on a child’s development, in 4-6 paragraphs describe how poverty can affect a child’s development.
Discussion Board Requirements:
The initial post must be 4-6 paragraphs.
All information gathered from sources must be cited in APA format.
Respond to 4 postings. Your responses should incorporate additional information or ideas, encourage or coach, or add content to the discussion. Ideally, you should also return to your own posting and respond to those who have responded to you. In order to ensure that all members of the class are engaged, please choose to respond first to those who have no responses.
Review the rubric and use it to guide your work: Rubric

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