Your assignment is to research wearable technology and develop a proposal on tak

Your assignment is to research wearable technology and develop a proposal on taking a non-healthcare-related technology and using it /adapting it to meet the needs of patients with health needs.
Please be as creative as you can and really let your imagination flow. Here are some important points to consider to receive full credit for this assignment.
See Project 1 assignment details in Syllabus. Be sure to review the Project 1 grading RUBRIC
Select an existing, or suggest the creation of, wearable technology for health care management
Describe at least three health care applications- be specific with health care problems
Explain how the selected technology will improve the management of the identified health care problems- include pictures
Create a professional PPT presentation for an audience of your choice (patients, community, professionals, etc.). Creativity must be evident. You can use a PowerPoint presentation with at least 5 slides (not including title and reference slide), and 3 pictures (give ownership credit when using pics; the PPT or PPTX file must be less than 10,000 KB / 10 megabytes). If you would like to get even more creative, please craft a video or digital story.
Include 3-5 sentences in the notes section of each PowerPoint slide. These notes should help describe the slide and what the intention is for that slide.

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