In a few sentences, please describe (1) what makes up a person’s self-concept. (

In a few sentences, please describe (1) what makes up a person’s self-concept.
(2) Find and copy the link for a recent peer-reviewed article (see below) that discusses evidence for where the self-concept comes from, (i.e. nature versus nurture)? Summarize the article in at least 2 paragraphs, including methodology, results, and the author’s conclusions and provide your feedback and/or commentary on the article.
(3) Describe what makes up a person’s attitude and (4) how that attitude can be altered (3 and 4 should be at least one paragraph).
(5) What is the specific term for when your attitude is in opposition to your behavior? How does this feel to a person who experiences it? (6) How can we resolve this? (5 and 6 should be at least 1 – 2 paragraphs).

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