the movie’s name is 13th, you can find it on youtube. This is a movie review for

the movie’s name is 13th, you can find it on youtube. This is a movie review for Clinical psychology, Please answer those Questions below:
What theme(s) come up in the film? What is the central conflict or focus?
How closely do the characters in the movie represent the relevant cultural groups we’ve talked about in class? In what ways? If you don’t feel like the characters represent their specific cultural group(s), why not?
What are some components of intersectionality that arise in the film? How do they contribute to the challenges the characters face?
Pick a character from the film and think about how you might view them in a clinical context (that is, pretend they come to you as a patient. What would you be concerned about?).
General thoughts, feelings, opinions – these don’t have to be positive! It’s okay if you watched the movie and ended up hating it; I just ask that you explain why.

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