The Article to annotate is the following:

The Article to annotate is the following:

No time to spare: Exploring the middle class time squeeze

Discovery Civics-Annotated Bibliography:
Source Annotated:
Dizikes, P., 2020. Study finds stronger links between automation and inequality: Job-replacing
tech has directly driven the income gap since the late 1980s, economists report. MIT News |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Available at:
1.What is the core argument, point, or finding?
Dizikes explains how after examining the ideals of MIT economist, Daron Acemoglu and Boston
University assistant economic professor, Pascual Restrepo, how there is a direct connection between automation in societal inequality. To expand, “low-skill” workers, like cashiers, receptionists, and customer service representatives are generally acquired by persons with lower levels of education. It is also observed that starting around the late 80’s to mid 2010’s, the United States really began to stop producing more jobs to in response to automation replacing those of live people.
2.What kind of argument is it, (Opinion, empirical, theoretical, synthesis of other studies, etc.) and how does that impact the way it was written?
Theoretical. The subject expressed the idea the two economists expressed in education featuring sound evidence to support the claims explained and cited by the author. Dizikes, themselves may not be an expert, however there was no presentation of their opinion, but an in-depth explanation of the economist’s. There was a lot of structure to make sure the ideas were not misunderstood. Points were presented followed by statistical evidence, or a citation.
3.What kinds of evidence or data were used to support the argument, if any?
Statistical evidence was used in order to support the points being made. Quotations from the original writings, with and without Restrepo were presented for credibility on the point. Especially for Acemoglu, who the author mainly focuses on in terms on considering stances and findings.
4.How might this source contribute to your understanding of the debate, issue, or facts?
The source helped me understand the generality to the point being explained. Lower class people are more at risk of losing their jobs due to automation. However, “so-so technology”, makes automation inconvenient for the average consumer as well. I didn’t think about it past the level of the employee being disregarded because now there is a machine that can do that for them. However, now I try to understand more that it doesn’t matter if things are automated if it doesn’t make life easier or that some employees are laid off. So far, businesses have really been using machines to cut corners to avoid paying for employees

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