Students will be required to complete one page single spaced “Cybercrime Scrapbo

Students will be required to complete one page single spaced
“Cybercrime Scrapbook” entries during the term. For the entry, students will choose
a news media article, and apply concepts discussed during lecture (this can
include media introduced) and/or course readings (including your textbook) to
the specific case described in the article. The entry should correspond to
material introduced during the specific timeframe noted below.
More specifically, the entry should include a concise
summary of the article (the first 1/3 of the page), followed by a concise
analysis and application of course content (the remaining 2/3 of the page).
With respect to the analysis and application, this can include:
Ideas discussed
Only course material is permitted to be used for the
analysis and application of scrapbook entries.

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