Select a case study you have not used in the discussion threads. Select one ethi

Select a case study you have not used in the discussion threads. Select one ethical system and one concept of justice and apply the ethical system and concept of justice to the case study you selected. Do not use utilitarianism for both the concept of justice and ethical system. You can do utilitarianism for one or the other. The bulk of your paper should be in explaining the ethical system and its implications for this case.
Paper parameters:
The paper must be a 7-10-page essay double spaced (not including bibliography)
At least 3 peer-reviewed sources, cited in APA style
12pt font, Times New Roman
1” margins
Page numbers on the bottom, right-hand side of each page
Your last name in the footer (with the page number)
The title of your paper in the header (appearing on every page except the first)
Paper Requirements:
Almost all of your paper should be devoted to explaining the ethical framework and concept of justice underlying your decision, but you will use a particular case to explain that system.
You should spend considerable time explaining the ethical system, elaborating on the ethical system, and applying it to the particular case.
Likewise, you should spend considerable time and space to explaining, elaborating on, and applying a concept of justice to this case.
Remember that this is an ethics course. You should demonstrate that you understand ethical systems and concepts of justice in depth.
Select one case and describe the case:
Identify the facts, including all parties involved and their rights and responsibilities of the case you select.
Select one ethical system:
Identify and robustly explain one ethical system. This should be at least 3 pages and, ideally, closer to 5 pages.
After you have explained the ethical system in depth, identify the salient ethical issues of the case according to that ethical system.
Identify the relevant values, conceptual issues, social constraints, and any additional information necessary for an accurate understanding of the case from the perspective of the ethical system you selected.
Select one concept of justice:
Identify and robustly explain one concept of justice. This should be at least 2 pages.
Identify the relevant values, conceptual issues, social constraints, and any additional information necessary for an accurate understanding of the case from the perspective of the concept of justice you selected.
Resolve the ethical dilemma:
Formulate a course of action based on the ethical system and concept of justice you selected.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of that action/those actions according to the ethical system and concept of justice you selected, indicating why this course of action is most appropriate. Remember, you are demonstrating your understanding of this ethical system and concept of justice.
Background and Set Up
First, Notes on Getting Started:
Outline your essay; the logic and flow of your essay will make much more sense if you know what comes first, second, third …
This is an argumentative paper. Make a clear decision about the outcome of the case.
Critically analyze the case, determine the potential courses of action, and — most importantly — take a clear and decisive position with respect to what you would do based on a particular ethical system if you were one of the lead characters in this case.
Weigh pros and cons. Show pros outweigh the cons, from the perspective of the ethical system you selected.
Mindset of the Paper:
If the case study you select does not indicate who you are in relation to the case, take the role of one of the lead characters in the case – this will allow you to write with authority on the topic.
Assume the audience knows nothing about the case.
View your paper as a “position paper.” Although it includes “explanation,” your task is to understand the context, to evaluate the evidence, and then to make a decision concerning the appropriate course of action based on the ethical system you select, which you support through arguments and counter-arguments.
Take a clear and decisive position –what would you do if you were one of the lead characters in this case based on the ethical system you select?
Provide your own evaluation; do not regurgitate others’ opinions. Use appropriate sources to support your position.
Evidence Required for Your Argument
Find at least THREE peer-reviewed journal articles and incorporate the findings from those articles to support your position on this case.
The peer-reviewed journal articles can relate: to cases or topics similar to this, to the ethical system you select, to the concept of justice you select, or to any other aspect that will help support your decision.
Use these facts/sources to convince me of your ethical point of view.
Your sources can be used in different points throughout the paper, as they support your argument about the ethics of this case.
Cite your sources in the text and list them in the bibliography.

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