Introduction: You will write a 3-page proposal for an original novel. Directions

Introduction: You will write a 3-page proposal for an original novel.
Directions: Write a 3-page proposal for an original novel. You are writing for an adult (18+) audience
Basic Summary: What is your novel about?
Target Audience: Who will read your book? What kind of reader will be interested in your novel?
Specifications: How long will your novel be? (How many words? How many chapters?) Will you include illustrations? How many?)
Author Bio: Why are you the right person to write this novel?
Provide a title for each chapter
Write a short one-paragraph description of what happens in each chapter
Note: You are obviously not writing a novel for this class. However, your proposal should provide a strong sense of what your novel would look and feel like once it was published.
Paper Guidelines
Your paper should be broken up into three main sections: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion
Introduction: Your introduction paragraph should clearly describe what you are going to discuss in your essay.
Begin with a HOOK – something to grab the reader’s attention. You want your reader to keep reading
End with the THESIS STATEMENT. This sentence states the main point of your essay. Often the thesis statement may be a direct response to the essay question posed by your professor
Body: The body of your essay argues, explains, or describes your topic. Each main idea should be developed in a different body paragraph. Each body paragraph will have the same basic structure.
Begin each body paragraph with a TOPIC SENTENCE. This sentence states the main idea of your paragraph.
Develop each body paragraph with details that help support your main point
End each body paragraph with a CONCLUDING SENTENCE that wraps up the main point of your paragraph
Conclusion: The conclusion brings closure to the topic and sums up your overall ideas, while providing a final perspective on your topic.
Briefly revisit your main points
Reinforce your thesis statement
End with a strong Concluding Sentence. This sentence should give your reader something to think about
Tips for Writing Strong Papers
Read the question carefully
Have your materials in front of you so you can refer to them
Think about the text and think about your own feelings, thoughts, and reactions
Do an initial brainstorm: jot down a few informal notes
Create a brief outline of your paper to help you organize your ideas
Compose your paper
Create transitions between your paragraphs so that each follows smoothly from the one before
Avoid writing sentences that are too long, or that are repetitive
Proofread your paper for clarity, organization, grammar, and punctuation
Paper A Range (90 – 100)
Demonstrates mastery of key concepts and materials
Analyzes relevant texts with insight and depth
Organization is thorough, coherent, and well-balanced
Writing is clear and generally free of grammar and punctuation errors
Paper B Range (80 – 89)
Demonstrates a clear understanding of key concepts and materials
Offers a competent analysis of relevant texts
Organization is adequate
Writing is clear, with no distracting grammar and punctuation errors
Paper C Range (70 -79)
Demonstrates some understanding of key concepts, but makes errors
Analysis of relevant texts is underdeveloped
Organization is confused or inconsistent
Writing is unclear, or marked by significant grammar and punctuation errors
Paper D Range (60 – 69)
Poor understanding of key concepts
Shows little or no ability to analyze relevant texts
Organization is deficient, incoherent, or contradictory
Writing is careless and filled with grammar and punctuation errors
Paper F Range (0-59)
Fails to address the assignment or has overwhelming problems in the above areas

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